3 Quick Tips About Why You Should Never Rely On Social Media Platforms For Your Business
There will come a time in your business when you will learn that email marketing is and should be your number one source of income and business if you’re an online entrepreneur.
This means the very first thing you should be doing is building your emails list then you can branch out on social media platforms. In this article, I’ll give you 3 quick tips about why you should never rely on social media platforms to run your business.
- Never run your business entirely off one social media platform. Always move your followers from that platform to your emails list as soon as you can.
If for some reason or another your account gets banned then your whole follower base gets wiped out overnight. Basically meaning, you just lost your whole business.
If you use social platforms to attract customers, funnel them to your blogs and your other platforms so if something does happen to one of your accounts you can still run your business.
When you rely on anything thing that you can’t control, you are putting your business at risk. You can own your own email list and have 100% control over it. However, you do not own what happens to your business on someone else’s websites or platforms.
If you want to become a successful online marketer/entrepreneur then you need to start building an email list right away. Using social sites is great to build up your brand and awareness just remember that you can’t control these sites are what happens to them so your number one goal should be to get all of these followers to your email list ASAP.
And make sure to link each of your sites to each other, that way you can build your following quicker as they can move from one of your sites to the next with the click of a button and like, share, and comment on all of them building your brand that much faster.
Remember the more engagement you have on each platform the more organic SEO you’ll have to help you build up a big prospect base that you can later funnel into buyers and lifetime customers if you do it right.
I hope these eye openers I’ve just mentioned will help you in your marketing endeavors if you have never thought of this scenario before. Who knows… maybe you just had an “Ah HUH” moment.
If you need help with email marketing you can check out my full course here: https://www.udemy.com/email-marketing-made-simple
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?3-Quick-Tips-About-Why-You-Should-Never-Rely-On-Social-Media-Platforms-For-Your-Business&id=9956812] 3 Quick Tips About Why You Should Never Rely On Social Media Platforms For Your Business